Welcome to Enlightened Windows
For nearly a decade, we’ve carefully selected factories who only offer products we’d be happy installing within our own homes.
High Quality Windows and Doors
Enlightened Windows provide high quality windows and doors to the UK market. The engineering that goes into our products, along with multiple seals, finger-joint free timber and optional triple glazing, allows us to effortlessly exceed British standards.
A large selection of composite, tilt and turn and wooden windows are available, along with a strong choice of quality doors that are made to last.
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Get the products you want
The Enlightened Windows product range delivers exceptional quality, energy efficiency and durability. Some of our most popular products are available to view on the website, but a wealth of additional ranges are available which are just a phone call or email away.
Enlightened Windows makes finding the right window or door a very simple process. Because of the way that our products are manufactured, we not only guarantee a quality product, but also that the durability and efficiency of our windows and doors really is outstanding.
We offer a huge range of external products including:
- Outward opening windows
- Tilt and turn windows
- Sliding sash windows
- Glazed doors
- Panel doors
- Folding doors
- Sliding doors
Most of our products are available within 8-10 weeks after the final order is placed.